When Does 80% Equal 50%?

Never mind that Vifredo Pareto has been vilified as the dude who influenced Mussolini to further develop fascism. Put that aside for a sec. Please.

The guy—Pareto, not Mussolini—came up with a cool power law probability: the Pareto distribution, which mathematically described the income distribution of various people from different countries.

He discovered that, generally speaking, 20% of the people—the “elite”—had (read: stole, purloined, looted, absconded with) 80% of the wealth. Continue reading When Does 80% Equal 50%?

Never Promise Anything

We Promised Mom We’d Never Do That Again, Didn’t We?

And the next day, we were at it again. After all, it was she who taught us to use the term in our own defense. All we had to do to avoid a spanking was to promise not to do “it” again, whatever it was.

So gullible, our moms.

Things aren’t too much different in adulthood, although we still make the same mistake of gifting promises we almost never keep.

But why? Continue reading Never Promise Anything

Morals Are For Suckers

Moral terms, concepts and practices hold you back from realizing your goals

Just ask any recognized leader in our society. Society’s frontmen will tell you that morals and values are what separate us from the lower animals.

These same leaders invoke the moral argument when they are caught in “immoral” acts that normally serve to propel them ahead in business and life. Continue reading Morals Are For Suckers

Every Girl Should Read This Ancient Book About Gaining and Using Power!

Adagio Press is pleased to announce the re-release of Sun Tzu The Art of War, edited by former New York Times bestselling ghostwriter/editor William Garner, and now available in paperback on Amazon.com. Continue reading Every Girl Should Read This Ancient Book About Gaining and Using Power!

Former Golden Girl and Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes Makes a Big Smoking Hole in Silicon Valley

Elizabeth Holmes, former CEO of Theranos, is charged with massive fraud.

The spotlight is now being directed at Elizabeth Holmes. She isn’t the only one who deserves the finger: the ignorant fools who took her word for granted and gave her practically unlimited funding.

That is beyond careless business. It is criminal, given many of these investors represented unsuspecting and ignorant clients who know nothing about biochemistry, biophysics or medical technology. Continue reading Former Golden Girl and Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes Makes a Big Smoking Hole in Silicon Valley

Economy of Words: Why Bother With a Conversation When One Word Will Do?

It’s a riot to drop in on my parents’ conversations. Goes something like this: Mom: “Dino, would you please put gas in my car this morning? The trash comes early today, so make sure you get it out. Please buy food for the cat. The bird needs your attention, else he’ll be screeching all day. What did you think of the film last night? How ’bout we have dinner out Thursday?” Dad: “Yuuup.” Mom’s learned to interpret the yups: sometimes they’re a single bullet, yup, when she’s discussing one subject. Other times, he looses a yuuuuuuuup, denoting several answers in the affirmative. Or maybe he’s just appeasing her. But his yups are musical and melodic, so we forgive him for his economy of words and his practicing the universal laws of physics, like conservation of mass and energy. When Mom questions him about the mass part of his equation, he smirks and mumbles something like, “The weight of my breath.” Mumbling conserves energy, he tells me. Yuuuuup.


Tripsy South is the author of the novel SUICIDE TANGO. Trained in physics at a cool surfer university, she lives and plays in Los Angeles where she’s a freestyle writer/editor and copywriter. Ring her here.

New York Trade Publishing’s Dirty Little Secret

Until a few years ago, anyone armed with a list of ISBNs could look up all the current and past sales and demand figures for those books, using Ingram Publishing’s 800 line, which has since been discontinued. Continue reading New York Trade Publishing’s Dirty Little Secret