Suicide is a Universal Right

“Rights” are merely an illusion and have been since humans have been controlled by some higher power.

Just look at both US Constitutions, the original organic one of 1787-1790 and the corporate one of 1871: they have a laundry list of “rights” that are repeatedly violated by just about every form of power in America, from the government to corporations that provide us goods and services to healthcare practitioners who carelessly take our lives without oversight or penalty.

We’ve Been Hijacked!

Our world has been hijacked by people, one of whose purposes is to control our movements and behaviors, including so-called rights. They wrote them into laws and statutes, rules and regulations, and enforce them like diligent nazis.

I decree that the right to die with dignity is a fundamental universal right of all living creatures.

Yet those powers that control us would have us believe it is their right to label suicide a crime against humanity, one punishable by . . . you get the picture.

By the way, if I attempted suicide and failed, I’d be jailed or committed to a psych ward. How’s that for justice?

The courts wouldn’t care if I were in so much pain that I couldn’t take it any longer, and there was no cure for the cause of that pain.

An Open Question for Those Controlling Powers

Who the fuck are you to tell me I cannot end my life if I wanna?

Seriously, who are you and what the fuck do you know about me that makes you an expert on me?

I’m no expert in the behaviors of those powers that control us, except I know they do not have my best interests in mind, but I can see the end result of their actions against us. And those results tell me that these powers have no respect for an individual, let alone for that person’s universal rights or even the very Constitutional rights they gave us to begin with.

I researched the right to die and came up with hundreds of legal arguments for, but mostly against. My “for” fave is a paper by Lawrence Stevens, JD. He gives us permission to disseminate it freely, so please pass it on.

By the way, Sigmund Freud committed doctor-assisted suicide in 1939. While cocaine was his fave drug, he had his physician administer an overdose of morphine.

The United Nations to Our Rescue?

The powers over us are now creating another illusion: we citizens may cry out for justice in the form of a memo put forth by the United Nations Human Rights Council to define abortion and physician-assisted suicide as a human right.

Then of course, some Harvard asshole (Mary Ann Glendon) shot down that idea, as reported here:

According to the [elitist] Harvard professor, a former United States Ambassador to the Holy See and specialist in human rights in international law, the committee’s recent assertion that abortion is a “fundamental human right, and its preposterous claim that abortion rights are derived from the right to life protected by the ICCPR, show how susceptible UN bodies are to lobbying by interest groups that would like to see their agenda items recognized as universal rights.”

This chick is a “specialist in human rights”? That’s funny as shit.

She is but one of thousands of lackeys who toe the line of those abusive controllers who continue to find clever ways to suppress any rights we may think we have.

Doesn’t that piss you off?

If not, there’s something seriously wrong with you, cuz I’m fucken mad now.

Physician-Assisted Suicide

Fuck that. Gimme a .45 and one Hydra-Shok, since I don’t have Freud’s doctor at my side.

Tripsy South is a freestyle writer and editor. She’s the author of the quirky novel, SUICIDE TANGO: My Year Killin’ It With A Shrink.