A Tiny Story by Tripsy South: Sex With Coma Patients

I work as a traveling nurse in an ICU. If you’re not sure what that means, either go watch on episode of ER or Grey’s Anatomy, or look it up.

Since you’re pro’ly lazy like me, I’ll just tell you: intensive care unit. Yup, I care for the totally fucked up, those who put their heads through the windshield at 80 miles an hour, swallow six bullets in a five-second gunfight, or maybe accidentally fall over railroad tracks at just the right time and lose their lower half. The part with all the sex tools. Does this bother you? If so, please turn the channel now. Continue reading A Tiny Story by Tripsy South: Sex With Coma Patients

A Tiny Story By Tripsy South: First Day At University

High school was already like college for me, ‘cos my parents had me take every advanced course in the book, plus tutor math, chem, physics and English. And I ran track. Couldn’t stomach the militants on the girls’ basketball or volleyball platoons, so I sometimes worked out with the boys’ teams. They didn’t seem to have a problem with my being there. At least no one ever complained to my face. Continue reading A Tiny Story By Tripsy South: First Day At University

Why Write A Novel About Teen Suicide?

Growing up a kid these days is the most challenging thing. We have so many distractions that compete for our limited attention, and we often go down dark roads when we can’t decide what to choose. Continue reading Why Write A Novel About Teen Suicide?