DARLINGTON, A New Novel by Tripsy South: “Killing Eve invades Old Florida”

DARLINGTON by Tripsy South
Darlington: “Killing Eve invades Old Florida.” A hot new thriller by Tripsy South.

My latest novel DARLINGTON is very much “Killing Eve invades Old Florida,” and is set in Tampa Bay and Key West. 

Tommy Darlington is one hot mess: a former US Army Airborne Ranger who walks through life as a closet anxiety-depressive. He’s also the largest distributor of pimp body parts in the good State of Florida, but only one man knows his secret.

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Conventional Query Letters to Magazine Editors are Boring as Crap: A DYNAMIC Query Letter à la Tripsy

Conventional query letters to magazine editors are boring as crap. A great query should reflect who you are, not what convention tells you to be. My philosophy is simple: your rules do not apply to me; I have my own.

Continue reading Conventional Query Letters to Magazine Editors are Boring as Crap: A DYNAMIC Query Letter à la Tripsy